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The trouble is that few people are probably thinking much about financial planning these torpid summer days.
Does today's torpid economic climate have anything to do with the revival?
The electronic media, on the other hand, tend to be torpid.
His torpid body wanted him to close his eyes and rest.
His mind was slack and torpid from breathing it in.
In such a delightful, torpid state, who can worry about the wine?
The torpid world economy and the British government's austerity program were probably why.
But a large creature, made torpid by cold, will not revive so quickly.
They might be torpid, but there would be two of them.
It seemed torpid, not yet quite revived from the chill of the night.
There is little time left to answer the question; my powers flag; I become torpid.
Night is the best tune, when the reptiles are torpid.
After their meals, they were very torpid for half a day and did not engage in much activity.
The old man had again fallen back into a torpid slumber.
That's partly because the vibe of the film is too torpid.
This morning she swam a torpid 56.10 in the preliminary round.
The canal was rather slow and torpid; that must be admitted.
"Although I am also frustrated at the often torpid pace of the peace negotiations."
It was a warm day, and a torpid peace began to settle down upon the carriage.
They subsequently sit, sleepy or half torpid, to digest their food.
He could hear no buzzing as the torpid gatherers went about their work.
Around the room, the Masters' slaves were lying down or sitting, looking very torpid.
"Oh, yes; but my heart was torpid, and therefore quiet."
But right now, the Yanks have exonerated themselves for their torpid start.
It may be hard to tell whether a torpid cat, barely blinking its eyes, remains among the living.