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It is important to know how these totalitarian powers ruled.
"It used parliamentary elections only as a means to achieve totalitarian power."
Beyond a certain point totalitarian power structures eclipse authoritarian ones.
Orwell assumed government would be the seat of totalitarian power.
You have totalitarian power, but none of the cash without which nothing ever radically improves on a national level.
But total power does not exist, only totalitarian powers.
Let us see what the totalitarian powers are doing in Mexico:
It is not a fascist diktat of a totalitarian power structure.
For seven years now, the freedom fighters have prevented the consolidation of totalitarian power in Nicaragua.
He also warned that President Carter had been given "emergency totalitarian powers".
It soon became evident that Hollander was striving for sole totalitarian power over the others.
"In place of totalitarian power, we have a vacuum of power," he said.
From then on, I wanted to become a writer, so that I could tell the truth and criticize totalitarian power.
Nobody can imagine our earth without the totalitarian powers and superpowers except, I suspect, the totalitarians themselves.
Measured against that totalitarian power, the systems in America and France clearly had more in common than set them apart.
Both these totalitarian powers were now aiding Franco.
I see the clear eyes and firm footfalls of the self-righteous and that is a good start on the road to totalitarian power.
Communists used the chimera of a "just" and "classless" society to seek totalitarian power.
Czechoslovakia was a country in which the Communist Party implemented its totalitarian power.'
It underscores the central fact of totalitarian power: Who controls the Army controls the nation.
Ribbentrop gave a sly hint what those views were: nothing less than dividing up the world among the four totalitarian powers.
Sacher said that the StB had been "a product and at the same time an instrument of the former totalitarian power".
Many of us have had to confront totalitarian powers, which justified their authoritarianism by stating that democracy complicated procedures and made management less efficient.
We just finished fighting a war against a totalitarian power that callously used a genetically engineered army of slave soldiers as cannon fodder.
For example, the martyrdom and death of Grandier reveals the ethical weakness of any absolute or totalitarian power.