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There he sees millions of souls waiting for new bodies as their souls transmigrate.
Oh, if our souls could transmigrate I'd be a seamew above all birds that fly!
Similarly, whether beautiful people can transmigrate to beautiful bodies if they are trapped in bodies unsuitable to them.
His father made him practice walking on ice in real snow before he allowed him to transmigrate into Kabuki's stylized "snow-walking."
The noncorpum decides to transmigrate back to the newborn girl-who would have otherwise died-as her soul.
It was humming to him about the Hindus and their belief that none of us die completely and our souls transmigrate into animals or other people.
Unlike other Eastern traditions, the soul is not thought to transmigrate into other species and does not evolve but rather devolves birth after birth.
In Roger Zelazny's Lord of Light (1967), the characters can technologically "transmigrate" their minds into new bodies.
The idea is that the petrodollars transmigrate from the Gas 'n' Go to the oil sheiks to the hands of maniacs wielding AK-47's.
The activated endothelium allows extravasation of blood plasma and white blood cells including macrophages which transmigrate to the implant and recognize it as non-biologic.
According to Buddhist cosmology the universe is impermanent and beings transmigrate through a number of existential "planes" in which this human world is only one "realm" or "path".
Yet his spirit, united with Dorn's in that exquisite agonizing pang, in that orgasmus of death, would transmigrate into a being of boiling ionized gas.
When activated, leukocytes bind to endothelial cells via ICAM-1/LFA-1 and then transmigrate into tissues.
It can transmigrate throughout time and space by folding its energy back into itself, causing it to collapse akin to a black hole and then reform itself upon reaching its destination.
Hence a soul may transmigrate from one life form to another for countless of years, taking with it the karmas that it has earned, until it finds conditions that bring about the fruits.
Here, the narrator explains how transmigration in the Druze religion "gives the community a feeling of blood purity and unadulterated lineage because Druze souls only ever transmigrate into Druze bodies."
All his life, he engaged in a series of schemes to make money, including a crackpot attempt in 1763 to transmigrate the soul of the Marquise d'Urfe into the body of a male infant.
Legend has it that Tirumūlar was a travelling Shaiva saint and scholar from Kailash who used his yogic powers to transmigrate into the body of a southern cowherd, Mūlan.
Multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic demyelinating disease, is thought to be initiated by pathogenic T cells that transmigrate the vascular endothelium and enter the brain through vascular and parenchymal basement membranes.
Transmigration, although not directly referred to as such, has been used frequently to the point of cliché in the sense of people "switching bodies," in which the identities of two or more characters transmigrate to each other's bodies.
The real motive, officials hinted darkly, was that the 14 partners feared that the cloud of suspicion would spread to European beef in general, that "mad cow" disease would transmigrate into "la vache folle" disease.
He later leaves his robotic body and gleisner society to transmigrate to the Carter-Zimmerman polis, seeking a more profound understanding of physics, unavailable to creatures whose minds remain programmed to think of things in terms of their bodies.
Besides narrow meaning of karma as the reaction or suffering being due to karma of their past lives and that one would have to transmigrate to another body in their next life, it is often used in the broader sense as action or reaction.