Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He said his company would own five of the transponders.
For a significant period after that, those transponders go dead.
Such transponders have been around in one form or another for decades.
Then it stopped cold in the air, and the transponder went off.
"Looks like we've got us a little problem in the transponder itself, Sir."
Transponders are embedded in the floor of the work place.
Consumers are not required to pay the cost of the transponder.
During this time, some small numbers of transponders were used for regular service.
News International also has an option on a fourth transponder.
But only if they could actually pick up the road's transponder signals.
We cover everything from transponders to the famous black box.
I flipped on the transponder, but to the left, not right.
The car can then be started without a key that has an embedded transponder.
Get them to come up with some kind of miniature radio or even a transponder.
But working against this theory is the fact that its transponder was operating at all.
Right now he was most interested in the radio and the emergency transponder.
Transponders began to be sold a few weeks before the May 16, 2005 opening date.
The pilots had to explain why they did not turn on the transponder.
And what if a vehicle without a transponder enters the road?
Voice transponders or no, we do have a thick accent.
He proposed that each car would be equipped with a transponder.
Drivers can open an account and use a transponder, which results in a lower rate.
With 12 transponders they are able to broadcast over 400 channels.
On November 5, 2008, frequencies were changed for all 3 transponders.
He checked the transponder setting: 7700, just as it should be.