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However, the specific dimensions of that role are colored by treater's own personality.
The 11 year old Marquette played a trick or treater in the opening halloween sketch.
The treater station applies this power through ceramic or metal electrodes over an air gap onto the material's surface.
The patient pressures the treater through transference into playing a role congruent with the patient's internal world.
In essence, this describes the transference of the treater to the patient, which is referred to as the "narrow perspective."
Standard utility electrical power is converted into higher frequency power which is then supplied to the treater station.
Ben and Jenny return home, where they become a couple and are greated by a trick or treater dressed as a werewolf.
Some suggest that he, Medieval France's greatest treater of married love, did not approve of the adulterous subject.
The contemporary understanding of countertransference is thus generally to regard countertransference as a "jointly created" phenomenon between the treater and the patient.
"If I get stopped on the street, it's as Dr. Taylor Benson, treater of split-personality sufferers."
Amine gas treater, Claus unit, and tail gas treatment convert hydrogen sulfide from hydrodesulfurization into elemental sulfur.
Corona discharge equipment consists of a high-frequency power generator, a high-voltage transformer, a stationary electrode, and a treater ground roll.
The hydrogen sulfide is subsequently recovered in an amine treater and finally converted to elemental sulfur in a Claus process unit.
Hellboy made a cameo as a trick or treater in the last page of the Sam & Max story "Belly of the Beast".
As an act of decency, Antony handed over Philologus, a former slave and treater to Cicero, to Pomponia.
Effective December 31, 2003, no wood treater or manufacturer may treat wood with CCA for residential uses, with certain exceptions.
My Grandmere Catherine had been one of the bayou's most respected traiteurs, a treater who could drive away evil spirits and cure people of various ailments.
She appeared in the straight-to-DVD movie Mostly Ghostly where she was spotted as a Trick or Treater.
When Jewish doctors were prohibited to treat gentiles in 1938, he was one of the few who were allowed to remain in practice as "Judenbehandler" ("Jew treater").
The exclusion applies to the comparable fuel from the point it is generated and is claimed by the person generating the comparable fuel (which person can include a hazardous waste treater).
Buck's heat treater, Paul Bos who heat treats knives for other custom makers and production companies at Buck's facility was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2011.
Countertransference can be a therapeutic tool when examined by the treater to sort out who is doing what, and the meaning behind those interpersonal roles (The differentiation of the object's interpersonal world between self and other).
Having graduated from secondaty school, Olga joined the Treater studio at the prestigious Schukin college, then continued her education at the VGIK where she joined the class of Sergey Bondarchuk.
After playing a trick or treater who beat up Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson in the 'Terror' episode of Bottom, Des was next seen as co-presenter of the Disney Club in the mid 1990s.
Furthermore, a glue-like polymer coating, known as "sticker", that is commonly used in the U.S. to ensure that seed treatment pesticides adhere to corn seeds was omitted in error by the seed treater that supplied the seed to German farmers.