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For miles around the land was flat, treeless, and hot.
On the wall appeared the photograph of a flat, treeless, open range.
From the beach, we see that the ridge is now treeless.
Then I remembered that we were on a treeless plain.
All eyes peel for a big, flat and treeless spot.
There was a wide treeless space running in a vast circle before them.
It took three months to root out the last of the Japanese on the treeless island.
At last the procession moved out to the waiting fleet in the treeless street.
Before them was a wide, almost treeless valley shaped like a bowl.
The hill slope on the western side was now almost completely treeless.
Minutes later, from a treeless hilltop, I had my confirmation.
Treeless, it lies west of the western tree line in Alaska.
Prior to that time the area was a treeless prairie landscape.
Some treeless saddle designs may present problems for riders as well.
An army perhaps, but they would be visible far off amid the treeless waste.
In the treeless streets between high blank walls one saw no cars and only a few people.
They set up for the night on the treeless bank of a meandering stream.
In many treeless areas, buffalo chips were the most common source of fuel.
And to the right, high above, was the vast treeless bowl of Belleville.
It was almost treeless and covered with a thick growth of tall grass higher than a man's head.
The cemetery was established on a treeless hill in the country outside Eugene.
Today the lower parts of central Anatolia are virtually treeless.
The city is situated on a broad, flat, treeless plain.
I foresaw that soon fuel would be a problem on this treeless island.
They were climbing up a wide, treeless meadow now, and though there was plenty of room all around.