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I came to London with one set of thoughts about universality and triteness.
"The ability to cure all temporary truth of eternal triteness."
But the triteness appears only when viewed through the scrim of real life.
The triteness of his own thoughts was irritating, yet that made them no less accurate.
It is a triteness to say that life makes curious and unexpected demands on you.
She darn well comprehended the triteness of her own declaration.
But triteness is not the worst thing about this manipulative little melodrama.
The triteness of Lenin's legacy grows clearer to the people by the day.
There was a certain triteness in these reflections: they were those habitual to young men on the approach of their wedding day.
He stood atop the mountain now, "lost in thought" the expression which came to mind, despite its triteness, accurate.
"Even the most obvious triteness is acceptable provided it comes with a postmodern wink."
Meanwhile, the lyrics have grown less complacent, though without losing much of their triteness.
A similar clever tinge saved her feminist piece from triteness.
Miles asked him, ashamed to let such a deadly boring triteness fall from his lips, but how else was he supposed to find out?
No triteness is intended with the simple observation that football handles grief well.
Unhappily, it becomes, with increasing triteness, desperately foolish at last.
It has taken "meaningfulness" to new bathetic depths of triteness.
Mr. Schmidt knows how to skirt triteness in pursuit of the familiar.
He was probably not even conscious of the triteness of his glib phrases.
I wanted to scream at the triteness of his words, at the idea that "taking some time" would actually help draw us closer.
Even as I spoke them, I felt the triteness and inadequacy of my words.
Later, after childbirth, it goes faster, speeding and whizzing through a surfeit of triteness.
You can hardly blame him, since those devices have acquired a reputation for triteness; but who gets shortchanged in the process?
She was abashed at herself, her triteness.
But all the brand-name-dropping doesn't disguise the essential triteness of the emotional situations being explored.