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Hast thou such trustless jailors in thy North?
Now Robbie looked on Sandy as part of the scenario, albeit a moving, trustless part; the kind of thing a gypsy could appreciate.
Nevertheless, the sculpture culture, done in high and low relief, or in the free or the round, was mostly on the south face of that trustless volcano.
Having lived her life in that murky, edgy world of compromise, Eva never ceases to scan the horizon with restless, trustless eyes, watching, waiting and suspecting.
They were cunning and trustless, narrow-slitted and heavy-lidded, at one and the same time as sharp as a ferret's and as indolent as a basking lizard's.
But in the inventorying of adolescent anguish, Definitist doctrine and the idiosyncrasies of minor players (from Justine's cardiology patients to Dorothy's trustless parents), the reader at times becomes distracted from the central current of the book.
Nay, she should ride at thy right hand and laugh To see so fair a lordly field of strife Shine for her sake, whose lips thy love bids quaff For pledge of trustless troth the blood of men.