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He was issuing instructions to three workmen or caterers in tublike blue overalls.
A particularly indigenous item is a wooden tublike conveyance with runners on it used by early inhabitants of La Pointe.
There were two larger split-heads with short, tublike tails, and each was surrounded by three smaler monsters with no tails.
The long fuselage was tublike, with open circular pits for the pilot and copilot, and others for bombadiers and gunners.
Last year, Gerber Products, a unit of Novartis, started aseptically processing and packaging its high-acid baby foods in plastic tublike containers instead of glass jars.
She really was an eminent Victorian, although not, as Strachey imagined her, "a small, tublike lady in black - rather severe of aspect, strongly resembling Queen Victoria."
When the traders of Hudson's Bay Company first visited the Mandan Indians in 1790 they found that tribe possessed of tublike boats with framework of willow poles, covered with raw buffalo hides.
It is not difficult to see the artist's early self-exile symbolically depicted in "Fisherman VII" (1993), with its figure of a screaming man adrift in a tublike boat amid a netlike latticework of white lines.