Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There were some six of the tubular weapons in evidence.
The tubular key, first to the right, then to the left, worked in the elevator door.
Early in the following spring, a tubular leaf case is made.
The flowers are white to blue and tubular in shape.
Each is tubular and may be over 3 centimeters long.
The idea behind a tubular neighborhood can be explained in a simple example.
I don't know what kind you have, but the most common are tubular, with a spring inside.
Beside it was a table and chair, both with tubular legs.
The man had the tubular weapon now, and was trying to steady it.
It was all one big tubular room, a few degrees tilted.
The easiest way to control them is with tubular traps.
They create a tubular leaf case of 6-7 mm long.
The glass in such a bulb is sphere, rather than tubular.
Its tubular magazine was loaded through the bottom of the gun.
Tubular in shape, it had an opening instead of a drawer.
However, both of these issues are common to all firearms that use tubular magazines.
The tubular blue flowers are up to 2 centimeters long.
The tubular base on our coffee table is about three inches thick.
Some tubular lamps have an electrical contact at either end.
A tubular shape was moving slowly toward him, just beneath the surface.
It was of a small tubular device with a ruler for scale.
The tubular package was held at port arms across his chest.
Tubular tires are still very popular; even more so than in road racing.
The flower is somewhat tubular with a wide open mouth.
Thin film (flat or tubular) is the most common product.