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My staff was too much in a tumult, you understand.
Poor performance, as always, is one reason for all the tumult.
It was 1963, that year of tumult across the South.
There was no growing tumult now to the north of them.
So he sat at his table, watching the tumult around him.
The tumult in his head might kill him long before then.
On that day happened a big tumult, where two people died.
There is a very great tumult in the street below not long after.
They were far removed from the tumult of the world.
But no one was listening, or could even hear above the tumult.
Then his words were lost in tumult, for the third day's fighting began.
But he has made himself an expert on technology's tumult.
It was impossible to see or hear within the tumult.
Walked to the door and opened it to tumult outside.
And now she was being drawn into yet another potential tumult.
He ordered her to return home, away from the tumult.
And each time it seemed to her that the tumult had increased.
Which is about where American society as a whole has settled after all the tumult.
He had been laid to rest, or else lost in the tumult of those times.
"I'm not about to change our plans now," he said over the sound of the tumult.
But his words of encouragement were lost in the tumult.
And maybe, if she was lucky, he had no idea of the tumult going on inside her.
He said the family was taking the tumult in stride.
She feels, despite herself, a little tumult in the blood.
"Would you be so good as to explain this tumult?"