Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
At the top of the wall, they saw a turbaned head.
I suspect you are in over your turbaned head, old friend.
A few turbaned merchants from the north sat in a corner talking.
He turned on his heel and gave an order to a turbaned officer below.
He signaled one of the turbaned Egyptians near at hand.
She is depicted being led out the gates of the city by turbaned soldiers.
They went to the entrance of the apartment and found the turbaned man awaiting them.
A picture that gets a page to itself, however, is one of a turbaned woman standing with two children in Florida sunlight.
A turbaned Gurkha at the door came to attention as they entered.
"They went to special hiding places," the turbaned cleric said.
The turbaned man shrugged slightly, sipped his tea and gave up.
But a great cloud of turbaned riders roared into the square.
Turbaned women were huddled over portable kitchens on street corners.
"You can see for yourself," replied the turbaned arrival, quietly.
He lifted the turbaned head and set his canteen to the blue lips.
Are the links between the turbaned man, the woman in the gown and the California teenagers confusing?
At the corner sits a turbaned man selling dates and grains.
Some sort of turbaned prince advances solemnly through the marketplace.
Always a model of respect, the Sikh now smiled and bowed his turbaned head.
The turbaned soldier walked past so close his grey pants actually brushed me.
The library with its Venetian bust of a turbaned servant.
"I'll just go over and greet him in his native tongue," said the turbaned giant.
There we met a turbaned man and his son, who was filming with his movie camera.
Cowering in the corner was a white turbaned figure!
The captain of Revenge shook his turbaned head slowly.