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Turfing incorporates other dance style concepts such as tutting, flexing, waving and animation.
Gentle turfing stirs the informative narrative.
The Oakland dance style turfing is a fusion of popping and mimeing that incorporates storytelling and illusion.
All four of the Walks were turfed and this turfing was continued into the areas between the Walks and the Monument within Circle Road.
Blue Valley underwent part two of its renovation in 2008 (part one being reconfiguration and turfing of athletic fields), receiving 8 new classrooms and an athletic department expansion, including a new above-ground weight room.
The rivalry with Balliol was reinvigorated, leading to several well-publicised events, including the blacking up of the Trinity first VIII (1952) and the turfing of the Trinity JCR by Balliol students (1963).
In 2011, through the benefaction of area businessman Jim Carell, the school's athletic facilities received a major upgrade, including the turfing of the upper field stadium, a new concessions/bathroom/pavilion complex, a new track, field-lighting for the soccer fields and a new plaza for congregating at athletic events.