Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Most of the cases involved people whose private lives had been in turmoil.
Perhaps 500,000 people died in the turmoil of those years.
Teachers say the state cannot let the turmoil go on.
No, the man had been through enough turmoil in the last few days.
She was also the wrong wife for a man in turmoil.
He found himself once more part of a company in turmoil.
The country might be in turmoil, but some things were more important.
The whole room was in a general state of turmoil.
He felt better, although his mind was still in turmoil.
The next 30 years were a period of political turmoil.
The turmoil in the street out front gave the answer.
"How could I run for president if the economy of my own state was in turmoil?"
This turmoil may turn out to be a good thing.
He stood alone, his mind and being still in turmoil.
But that had just been the beginning of the turmoil.
From that moment on, her mind had been in a turmoil.
There has been an economic effect from the turmoil, of course.
Once he has done that, the country is in turmoil.
I sat down on her bed, my mind in turmoil.
There was enough turmoil around him out in the keep.
We've had turmoil before off the field and with various things.
At least four people have been killed in the turmoil.
Inside, where they could not see, he was in turmoil.
In times of great turmoil, it's important to be with friends.
But in her turmoil of feeling she did not care.