Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The risk increases almost twentyfold for those over 75.
Furthermore, the productivity difference between a good and bad employee is ten to twentyfold.
The company also reported more than a hundred additional side effects from this study, including a nearly twentyfold rise in nervousness.
Three years later, Wolff's company had expanded almost twentyfold.
Another method, known as code division multiple access, is a year or more away, but might increase capacity fifteen- to twentyfold.
A reptile will increase three to twentyfold in length from hatching to adulthood.
That would be a twentyfold increase over the projected budget for fibroid research for this year.
In 30 years there has been a twentyfold increase in the consumption of drugs for attention-deficit disorder.
We've increased our solar production by twentyfold.
Some examples: the prescribed doses of the same drug may vary among these four countries by as much as ten to twentyfold.
Since the end of the Second World War, nitrogen-based fertilizer production has increased at least twentyfold.
But even a twentyfold return on a $1 million investment will not do much for the success of a large fund, Mr. Kedrosky said.
And unless you are suggesting that Congress should raise the Department of Transportation's budget by twentyfold, this could not be done.
You're talking to Mona Mayfair, a twentyfold member of the May- fair family, who knows things that others don't know.
Randleman's population of 3,000 - most of whom work in three local hosiery mills - would multiply about twentyfold.
But the day after the episode was broadcast, Mr. Allard said, the company had a "twentyfold" increase in calls asking about its services.
That's a twentyfold increase.
Erosion accelerated up to twentyfold in the 3rd century, creating unusable marshlands, which spread diseases such as malaria.
Rates of addition were monitored in benzene at 30 C with an initial twentyfold excess of diene.
The twentyfold increased risk does not come just by being a smoker but by being a long-term heavy smoker.
Mr. Lundin estimated that dues would have to increase twentyfold to hire a lifeguard, if one could be found, and buy all the equipment.
But federal health officials called the $1 billion a giant leap forward, saying it was roughly a twentyfold increase in what states had received in previous years.
This twentyfold increase in photovoltaic capacity in only one year urged the Danish government to cut back its net-metering scheme.
The technology involves encoding each cellular phone's signal with a different code, and could allow a twentyfold increase in the capacity of cellular networks.
Will it be so accommodating to those who want to screen out embryos that carry, say, a twentyfold increased risk of serious but unspecified neuropsychiatric disease?"