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In her clone's eyes, of course, she will always be a significant udder.
Their coat is almost entirely black, with a little white on the udder.
You're worse shame to me than udders on a bull.
The udder of the cows usually is small and hairy.
She was wide as a barn, her udders hanging nearly to the ground.
So she made the spots larger and added pink udders.
One of the soldiers had found a stray cow, its udders full.
Animals are solid red in various shades, sometimes with white on the udder.
And the Udder Club, which will be for private parties only?
The air outside was hot, like milk straight from the udder, soft, sweet.
You can see the scab of anthrax on her udder.
With both hands you try to hold the huge udder to your mouth, but they don't begin to reach around it.
You may be looking for information found in Cow and Udder.
The man's dead; stop milking his udders, and think of something interesting to write about.
Bacteria can spread from a cow's udders to its milk.
The adult cells, he said, came from the skin, udder and kidney.
One of them was a very large female, with her udder full of milk.
It featured an alternative cover image of a cow's udder.
This would indicate that the animal has sound footing to support the udder.
Dolly was formed by taking a cell from the udder of her biological mother.
I began to run my hands along the udder, pulling in turn at the teats.
Way too often the male "cows," as the film calls them, also flash their udders.
"I was supposed to make somebody in the picture look Chinese or remove udders from a cow."
No doubt it was an udder the ox inherited from his mother.