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This is usually seen in females, may ulcerate and often occurs 1-20 years after primary infection.
Most lesions are found on the lower parts of the legs and can ulcerate if subjected to trauma.
In the chronic form, nasal and subcutaneous nodules develop, eventually ulcerating.
These capsules can ulcerate and heal over time.
These secondary lesions frequently ulcerate (and are then highly infectious), but heal after six months or more.
There is a tendency for mucous membranes to ulcerate and the ulcers to spread.
The central portion of the lesion may heal, producing a scar, or it may ulcerate.
The stomach acid, with no food to work on, was quietly starting to digest and ulcerate the stomach lining.
A week or so after he arrived, Dan and I discovered we had begun to develop deep ulcerating sores on our arms.
It then undergoes central necrosis to ulcerate.
It relieves pain for millions but it's also a killer in a small number of cases because it can ulcerate the stomach.
If the keloid becomes infected, it may ulcerate.
Nodules can ulcerate from abrasion of shoes.
Like ulcerating boils, I thought.
She remembered Alex's petrified, ulcerating eyeball.
"Dentures rub, they ulcerate," he said.
It smells boys ulcerating to be men, paining like great unwise wisdom teeth, twenty thousand miles away, summer abed in winter's night.
These nodules then ulcerate, although due to the variable characteristics of the lesions, species specific identification of the pathogen is impossible.
The preferred modern term is ulcerating midline lymphoma, as it is by no means always lethal when treated in time.
I'll ulcerate stomachs from one end of Arendia to the other if I have to in order to put an end to this foolishness, though.
Our makeshift raft barely lasted to carry us back to the mouth of the river, and we both incurred ulcerating sores from the touch of the water.
Cox-1 protects the lining of the stomach and intestines against damage by stomach acids; when it is inhibited, the lining is more likely to ulcerate.
If the prospect of trying to fix Social Security gives heartburn to nearly all politicians, it could be downright ulcerating for Vice President Al Gore.