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The loser's catch phrase has been exposed as a failure, and the winner's is likely to be frayed or unadaptable to another campaign.
The underperforming, or unadaptable and inflexible employee could be fairly dismissed on ground of capability.
The unadaptable junkmen can instead adapt these wild frontiers into colonies-as history's first professional pioneers.
We like to think of the races using the Library as being in a rut, uncreative and unadaptable, Orley thought.
Yet this dynamic film is based on Ian McEwan's ambiguous, interior, apparently unadaptable novel.
The Thoracic employer, who always wants things done instantly, is maddened by the slow, unadaptable Osseous employee.
The Dwarves were not, however, skilled linguists - in most matters they were unadaptable - and spoke with a marked 'dwarvish' accent.
He described the great beasts as "slow-moving dunces" that were "unadaptable and unprogressive" while conceding that small dinosaurs may have been more active.
In a commentary on the second disc Mr. Cronenberg says he wanted to make Burroughs's life story, rather than adapt a book that was virtually unadaptable.
He is an uncompromising scot who is honest and talented and hardworking but also extremely narrow minded and unadaptable and pompous.
And this being a city of people who proudly, not a little smugly, adapt to what is unadaptable most anywhere else, more than one person insisted that everything was already just fine.
A new theatre production of "The Portrait of a Lady" in London's West End highlights the point: Henry James is "simply unadaptable."
The Deputy Mayor said he did not want to create a ghetto, but would like to "limit the space for illegal activities" by creating emergency housing for the "socially unadaptable."
He says his subject matter proceeds "from the theme formulated by Rosenzweig: the mortality of nations and its causes, Western secularism, Asian anomie, and unadaptable Islam."
In it, he accused Sosabowski of being difficult, unadaptable, argumentative and "loth to play his full part in the operation unless everything was done for him and his brigade".
The connection of the elementary concepts of every day thinking with complexes of sense experiences can only be comprehended intuitively and it is unadaptable to scientifi- cally logical fixation.
Alan Rudolph, a Robert Altman protege who specializes in offbeat projects, has agreed to adapt Gary Larson's seemingly unadaptable "Far Side," which usually features a single panel rather than a narrative strip.
T. Coraghessan Boyle's novel, on which the film is based, was virtually unadaptable to begin with, and whatever faint potential it had "has been squashed by too many sets, costumes, extras and woebegone stars" (Maslin).
Other problems that afflict this book are organic and structural, reflecting the belief, held by Stowe and other abolitionists, that blacks were genetically unadaptable to both the climate and the advanced society of the United States.
The college adopts an open and circulating system in which outstanding students from other colleges in Zhejiang University get chances to join after the test, and certain students unadaptable to the college's mode can choose to leave for other colleges.
Living in developing countries often makes them change in their senses of values or conceptions of lives, thus some get unadaptable to Japanese corporate cultures and the others take advantage of their new senses in international companies or organizations.
In his catalogue to Life through the Ages (1946), he reiterated views that he had written earlier (Knight, 1935), describing the great beasts as "slow-moving dunces" that were "unadaptable and unprogressive" while conceding that small dinosaurs had been more active.
I have written time and again in favor of manned space, pointing out that robots have no "curiosity bump" (and thus ignore anything they were not programmed and equipped to perceive and investigate) and that they are disastrously unadaptable when things go wrong.
He noted that the book had previously proved "stubbornly unadaptable", the most successful version being the Hollywood picture starring Laurence Olivier, which succeeded because "with classic Hollywood ruthlessness they filleted out the Cathy/Heathcliff story and ditched the rest of the plot.
We cannot make this instrument, which was designed to respond to emergencies, rigid, unadaptable or inflexible, in other words an instrument which becomes ineffective or which is even in danger of not being used precisely because the rules to which we are linking it are too complex.