Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But the social order and the economic power are unaltered.
No particular order or position ever continues a moment unaltered.
Even when his pictures are unaltered, they look too good to be true.
For the most part the game was unaltered and kept in its original state.
Most important is a commitment to the unaltered human voice.
As was reported earlier in the week, the logo will be unaltered.
In the above cases, the total share capital remains unaltered.
You only have to be on the mountain a few minutes to feel the unaltered spirit of the place.
The hotel is relatively unaltered, with most changes on the lower level.
"Perhaps the unaltered were right to fear for their lives.
That stance would remain unaltered over the years to come.
In 1984 the interior was said to be largely unaltered.
This condition was nearly unaltered for a quarter of an hour.
The nice thing was that the house had remained largely unaltered.
And still her former self lay there, unaltered in this change.
This will keep a supply of unaltered seeds for future use.
The exterior remains unaltered but there have been major changes inside.
However, this was the last year that the circuit would remain unaltered.
Although there had been some changes to other parts of the ground, the main stand remained unaltered by 1985.
Only the entire text of the interview could be published, unaltered.
In return, he left us unaltered, with our memories intact.
It has remained completely unaltered since its construction in 1853.
It was rebuilt in 1919 and has since remained unaltered.
The original town plan remains substantially unaltered to this day.
The level of fines on the standard scale is unaltered.