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The question is, can I be unbiased in doing that research?
What if you were to come to America from a foreign land and look at us with unbiased eyes?
This does not seem to be a particularly unbiased position.
Young people are often unbiased and open to new ideas.
The teaching of History in an unbiased a way as possible is a good thing.
But we need to look at the clear, unbiased facts.
I would take an unbiased look at the issue and decide.
You are able to view the situation with unbiased judgment.
Do I understand, then, that if anything should happen to me in the next few days, the general election would take place unbiased either way?
Now, what do you mean by full unbiased impression about the whole story?
It is a clear, unbiased opinion from someone who has a good knowledge of human nature.
I do not trust the Commission to provide unbiased information.
But the news is important for its unbiased and educational content.
I know that there is no such thing as an unbiased newspaper.
Only then could he get a feel for this world, make unbiased judgments.
We try to get much primary, objective, unbiased information from the industry.
They wanted an unbiased murder investigation and did not get it.
In order to keep the process fair and unbiased the panel changes every year.
I want the paper to be even handed, fair, unbiased if you will.
"We want to encourage media that is independent and unbiased."
The Board acts as an unbiased perspective within the community.
Science is a way of asking and trying to answer questions in an unbiased manner rather than a god.
Had she really presented an unbiased report to the specialists?
You, on the other hand, are somehow the most unbiased and objective person in the world.
Has no one ever read an unbiased history book?
I want you to see us unbiassed from the outside point of view."
And after all there exists to-day available one kind at least of unbiassed anthropological evidence.
People already have enough trouble already distinguishing between advertising and unbiassed reporting.
He says our minds ought to be unbiassed."
Forgetting trumpery ideas, learn the best tradition by seeing you own functions and the modern unbiassed.
But the flimsiness of Blinton's theories must be apparent to every unbiassed moralist.
He tells us not only to act always according to our convictions, but also to see that our convictions are true and unbiassed convictions.
In speech swift, subtle and secret; in thought creative, unbiassed, unbounded; in act gentle, patient and persistent.
Its theology was high Arian, but its distinctive position was the duty of free inquiry into the scriptures, unbiassed by creed.
I would think, wouldn't you, that the unbiassed observer would find this negative reaction every bit as incriminating as a written confession?"
It is very difficult to take a clear and unbiassed view without knowing that, and I think that the Secretariat could tell us before the debate continues.
We shall consider its nature and estimate its value in a perfectly unbiassed way, without allowing ourselves the usual rhapsodies, or deducing any theory of the universe.
Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteurs of all the reports, and in particular Mr Elles for his outspoken and unbiassed report.
From the moment of meeting the one was bound to exercise an absolute ascendency over the other which made unbiassed criticism far more difficult than it would be between ordinary father and son.
All I have done is to extend the line a trifle, and if you ask me for my unbiassed opinion, I do not suppose that I am in the least alone.'
I broke in excitedly, for here was where my work could be tried out on an unbiassed judge who knew life only, and not art, and who was a sheer master of reality.
What all this amounted to was that the most careful study by the most unbiassed observers of the entire course of human history had been unable to unearth a single example of human evolution.
An unfair way which some men take with themselves: who, because of the inconceivableness of something they find in one, throw themselves violently into the contrary hypothesis, though altogether as unintelligible to an unbiassed understanding.
It heard many a bravo from unbiassed connoisseurs, but obstreperous louts in the uppermost storey exerted their hired lungs with all their might to deafen singers and audience alike with their St!
For his part, Morris appealed to the "honest unbiassed men" of Monmouthshire to "shake off all shackles, assert your independency, and once in your life have courage to dare elect the man of your choice".
In its rules for determining the recipients of this benevolence, Godwin's philosophy goes further than Christianity in completely removing from consideration personal ties or anything but "the abstract merits, the pure and unbiassed justice of the case."
There are, indeed, some very few editors, who, maintaining an entire independence, will receive no books from publishers at all, or who receive them with a perfect understanding, on the part of these latter, that an unbiassed critique will be given.
His notices of contemporaries are somewhat severe, and he exhibits the foibles and selfishness of the society in which he moved; but he was unbiassed in his literary judgments, and time has only served to confirm his criticisms.
I conceived that these might possibly have fallen under his cognizance, and that, viewed through the mists of prejudice and passion, they supplied a pretence for his conduct, but believed that your more unbiassed judgment would estimate them at their just value.
A further step in the direction of a historically unbiassed evaluation of Berend Lehmann was taken by the Berlin archivist Josef Meisl, the later founder of the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People.