Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This was another stage which featured a lot of uncategorized rises.
Everything else, all the free stuff, is utterly uncategorized.
It can only be categorized as uncategorized or personal.
The point is, the picture is better off uncategorized.
Uncategorized merchandise was stored in oversize brown boxes on the floor.
Therefore, researchers expected to see a lower degree of polarization in the unrelated group and uncategorized individual conditions.
You could call this folder "uncategorized" or "to be sorted".
As a "historical genre," video game genres developed naturally and are therefore uncategorized.
Uncategorized genetic material is found in humans and in several other organisms.
By default, jobs that are uncategorized go into a default pool.
A side road may be so minor as to be uncategorized with a road number.
The snapshots also helped place thousands of previously hidden and uncategorized asteroids into families for the first time.
That includes highway, regional, local and uncategorized roads.
The Mother Superior's residence is a protected monument (currently uncategorized).
While the road network is fairly developed, the number of both categorized and uncategorized paved roads is very small.
Gersen had seen many like him, miscellaneous uncategorized vagabonds of the Be- yond.
In 2006 iron meteorites were classified into 13 groups (one for uncategorized irons):
Boyd said the nearly $500,000 in uncategorized "petty cash" payments went to political organizing activities across the country, mostly vehicle operating expenses.
The riders soon tackled the Eschenmosen, one of the many uncategorized ascents of the day.
In addition to uncategorized blog posts, the site has published many multi-week features that serve to give a more in-depth analysis of a particular topic.
The length of categorized road network is 204 km2 on the municipal territory, and there are 333 km of uncategorized roads.
Pamphylian is a marginal dialect of Asia Minor and is sometimes left uncategorized.
Little satellites, big satellites, space stationsshe hadn't realized this place had more than one stationand a large number of uncategorized items.
His limbs appear to be filled with some uncategorized liquid that can freeze and thaw and refreeze in a matter of seconds.
Subsequently, previously uncategorized finds in the Easter Island museum were re-examined and recategorized as eye fragments.