Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Which, in view of the situation, would have made uncommonly good sense.
And he seemed uncommonly at peace today with his decision.
As it happened, her life took an uncommonly interesting turn.
The fire was uncommonly welcome after the cold of the night.
He had an uncommonly good voice, but it did not please her.
But then I am an uncommonly sensitive man, as you know.
Red is also not uncommonly used as a warning to stop.
In his old age, he led an uncommonly active life.
At the last I did not wonder, for these two seemed to be getting on uncommonly well.
An uncommonly good lunch it must have been that day.
I spoke with the boy and found, that like all the rest, he had uncommonly good sense.
It all made for mood music of an uncommonly high order.
After a while he sat up, but his face was uncommonly pale.
One finds it uncommonly difficult to keep up with your activities.
He was uncommonly energetic, as you said' and especially so on the day of his death.
The lot of them looked very solemn while I felt uncommonly good.
In an uncommonly good year for American food writing, this is a book that stands out.
He is uncommonly clever, if one can judge from his face, and full of energy.
Still, the summer of 2005 seems to many to have been uncommonly cruel to children in and around this city.
Still a few light minutes away, the planet was already uncommonly bright.
It is uncommonly seen because of its tendency to stay under cover.
It is also uncommonly found as a last name, of French origin.
She was more than an uncommonly attractive girl, he discovered.
Her own voice, she thought, sounded uncommonly high and thin.
The exhibition may be small but its range is uncommonly wide.