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With your spirit open and unconstricted, look at things from a high point of view.
The aperture is simple, unconstricted, and straight sided from in front.
They have an unconstricted junction between the thorax and abdomen.
The Rodarte way of thinking is wonderfully unconstricted by eras or trends.
Aperture unconstricted with no hyponomic sinus for the water jet funnel.
The dark-skinned girl explains that this magic works best when the body is unconstricted, and is thus naked at various points throughout the show.
Later, more aberrant forms are unconstricted and develop grooved or concave venters.
In its home setting, Indian classical music stretches out unconstricted by Western attention spans or concert halls' union rules.
Everyone was relaxed and happy at that wedding, everyone included in the goodwill, genial and unconstricted.
The mature peristome rimming the aperture is simple and unconstricted, without pronounced lappets.
Ms. Wilkens's sensibility ran toward the unconstricted; even her party dresses were made of washable cottons.
Sighing deeply, she took what felt like her first unconstricted breath since Diana had called Aunt Sara's name.
The inflorescence is carried on a long peduncle, with the spathes unconstricted, and either green, reddish brown, or purple-grey.
An inner-lined bodice of crepe de chine provides built-in support, leaving the diaphragm unconstricted.
To Mr. Tagomi, who stood silently trying to get an unconstricted breath, he said, 'While he's here.
Comparative ultrastructure of the cellular components of the unconstricted notochord in the sturgeon and the lungfish.
My chest was unconstricted and upon buttoning the top button, the fabric on the jacket hung down as undisturbed as the surface of a swimming pool.
Jews and Catholic priests, French and Polish members illustrate Masovia's unconstricted freedom of spirit.
Reedsoceras was named as a genus characterized by rapidly expanding exogastric cyrtocones with unconstricted apertures and straight sutures.
The gaster is unconstricted, showing articulation between the first and second segments, and the first segments sports a number of short erect hairs.
Good radio is always rich in images, made richer by the pictures being of the listener’s own building, unconstricted by a camera’s narrow eye, focused by active attention.
The globular pale-yellow flowerheads appear in the leaf axils from July to November, followed by seedpods that are up to 10 cm long and unconstricted.
The wrapped fabric of McCardell's bodices and skirts is fashion's equivalent of Wright's open floor plan: flowing, unconstricted, easeful.