Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Any of the four passages could be the uncounted one.
He also left uncounted other works of art in his various properties.
That would bring the total of uncounted manufacturing workers to 425,000.
However, one base step was uncounted at the start of every block.
At times of economic despair, many people simply stop looking for jobs, and are left uncounted.
For exercise, he did a lot of walking, uncounted miles.
This time, however, it would be for Tuesday's uncounted dead.
He could feel the pressure of uncounted unseen eyes following his every move.
Experts say many more are uncounted because they have not registered.
They were captive, uncounted, beyond any hope of treatment, their stories lost to history.
The number of uncounted murders, known as the "dark figure," is thought to be quite small.
"No one has died here for uncounted thousands of years.
Even Riley had given up after uncounted attempts at small talk.
Once we were uncounted trillions, but I am the last.
For through the uncounted years they have been taught that in all the world there is no life save here.
"I can't figure out where the uncounted numbers are coming from."
The uncounted should not go to post offices for forms.
And soldiers whose bodies are not recovered also go uncounted.
And a large portion of health care spending, now uncounted in the budget, would be included.
The uncounted 7 percent represented precincts from around the state.
Election night ends in a draw, with one vote uncounted.
He added that the board had not yet determined the number of other paper ballots uncounted.
But uncounted are even larger numbers of those born here to recent migrants.
Being uncounted, the value of unpaid work in society cannot be estimated.
They alone, for all he knew, among uncounted dead.