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There is a lot of social science in this book, but not used uncritically.
More to the point why does the media accept it so uncritically?
Under such circumstances, the public simply could not be expected to believe uncritically what it was told.
While generally supportive of the government, it has not been uncritically so.
That contention is not accepted uncritically by others in the industry.
On the other hand, most of these points can be explained by the way he uncritically copies from his sources.
By morning, the girls part ways and Jack is uncritically hit by a car.
This work, although uncritically compiled in places, was consulted for over 200 years.
Reading, writing, speaking, and listening can all be done critically or uncritically.
No one can accuse me of being an uncritically doting wife.
An employee who was uncritically loyal to the company might not be a good citizen.
But she was too canny, now, to accept that uncritically.
Nevertheless, many college textbooks in psychology and education have uncritically reported the project's results.
Why does the guardian completely uncritically post these articles almost 3 to a day?
All major newspapers essentially follow the government line and tend to report uncritically on the activities of the President.
Christine read the words uncritically, as though they were the gospel of an alien religion.
And they remain reluctant to accept dogma uncritically or to ask their children to do so.
But he will not accept them uncritically or become imprisoned within them.
But my argument is that that culture should not be accepted uncritically.
She only murmured uncritically, "Come in and have dinner."
He argues, this is the model that the early artificial intelligence community uncritically adopted.
Toy commercials have a profound influence on young children, who tend to view them uncritically.
He lovingly but not uncritically defends both rap and poor black men.
But there is a difference between making alliances of convenience and uncritically working with dictators.
Carter writes as a fan of Lovecraft, but not uncritically.