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He hath, out of His own underived energy, created heaven and earth, and all that in them is.
His essence is one and underived, but there is an eternal distinction of persons, the Father being first in order.
The past tense of underived verbs descended from the PIE perfect.
Stems with Sezer stress retain the main stress of the underived form:
Existing rūpa consists in the four primary or underived (no-upādā) elements:
Notably, not even these commands, for which Swinburne and Mawson take the second horn of the dilemma, have ultimate, underived authority.
However, the perfect aspect was only present in primary, underived verbs, and any derived verbs therefore lacked perfect forms altogether.
Adler suspects that each species was created in several different types, underived from each other-for example, the separate creation of flowering and non-flowering plants.
In addition to the above four elements of underived matter, two other elements are occasionally found in the Pali Canon:
A few underived verbs that were originally strong j-present verbs acquired weak past tenses in Proto-Germanic.
The underived word bære survives in the north of Scotland as bere, and refers to a specific strain of six-row barley grown there.
The basic, underived, stem is the G-stem (from the German Grundstamm, meaning "basic stem").
They are scheduled to be sold into slavery but former Green Lantern Guy Gardner, with powers underived from a Power Ring, rescues the entire group.
When a natural language of 'arbitrary signs' is compared with an underived writing-system of motivated-pictorial signs, we are of course struck immediately by the difference in sheer range between the two systems.
It is true that even the most primitive pictorial script may offer some examples of derived arbitrary signs; some mixtures, therefore, with the dominant underived and motivated type would concern two categories at once.
However, in Desire of Ages (1898) she made the shocking, to some, statement, "In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived," which brought about the development on the view of the Godhead.
Pomatoceros lamarckii has been the subject of a number of scientific investigations, due to its presence near sites of historic scientific study, relatively underived mode of development and slowly evolving genetic complement.
Is the concept of value, of good or evil an arbitrary human invention, unrelated to, underived from and unsupported by any facts of realityor is it based on a metaphysical fact, on an unalterable condition of mans existence?
In the field of ethics he made contributions in regard to the place and functions of volition and attention, the separate and underived character of the moral sentiments, and the distinction between the virtues of perfect and imperfect obligation.
The Ellisdale fauna together with geological data suggest that eastern North America was an isolated continent from the Turonian Stage of the Late Cretaceous onward, and thus may have become a refugium for relatively underived Early Cretaceous taxa that underwent vicariant speciation.
Verbs forming the underived thematic presents are overwhelmingly bivalent/transitive, and there are no statives in the Late PIE thematic inflection since all the original Early PIE statives either remained athematic presents, or they became Western PIE perfects.