Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In one sense he's right about the need to better understand finance.
"Yes, if the people of the state understand finance.
But then he admitted that he doesn't understand finance anyway.
He would be an excellent strategist, understand finance and be customer-oriented.
'It was never expected of you to understand finance,' said Carrie Louise.
Best woman in the world, Maude--but women don't understand finance.
Snibril wasn't sure that Pismire understood finance any more than he did.
Woe betide the marketing exec who doesn't understand finance.
'I really don't think anyone in this firm understands finance,' she telexed Moira.
She said she was "continually on the verge of bankruptcy," adding: "I don't really understand finances at all".
Several mutters went around the table, many expressing dismay at the inability of non-Ferengi females to understand finance.
He understood finance.
Financial intelligence is the knowledege and skills gained from understanding finance and accounting principles in the business world.
Leon understands finance.
To the Editor: The proponents of privatizing Social Security seem to assume that everyone shares their capacity for understanding finances.
He is accomplishing a goal that observers said was impossible because he is a businessman who understands finances and the nuances of public policy.
I don't understand finance," I added.
The second is facilitating a responsible, sustainable form of homeownership that involves safe, easily understood financing products that work for most Americans.
Eligible businesses can gain support in areas such as starting up, understanding finance, training and skills development, resource efficiency, exploiting ideas, accessing international opportunities and growing your business.
"The other unions recognize this is a union of well-educated people who understand financing and what budget deficits are, and this might cause a snowball type of thing."
"Anyone who understands finance can't consider this offer seriously," said Robert J. Joedicke, an analyst at Shearson American Express.
Understanding Finance for Business provides entrepreneurs and businesses with advice and support to ensure they understand their options for getting the money they need to start, sustain and grow.
"Either Jim Florio doesn't understand finance, which is possible judging from his record as governor, or he is engaging in cynical political tactics deliberately designed to confuse senior citizens."
"They get a bunch of young, dreamy-eyed kids to work for them; they don't understand finance, and they let someone else worry about the money if they can get away with it.
Another program funded by Citibank in Australia is Hip Pocket, a workshop for teenagers in Year 10 and 11 which helps them to understand finances and be educated consumers.