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They tended to underuse their lower right arms.
The circuit is normally dusty due to underuse throughout the rest of the year and its sandy soil.
The city continues to underuse alternatives to imprisonment that cost far less than the construction and maintenance of the new jails.
Staff underuse the present 'transfer call' facilities on the telephone system, and might benefit from training, which need not take long.
There is little apparent concern that men underuse primary healthcare, and are consequently less likely to be referred to mental health services.
Concerns about drug use, including unreasonable fears of addiction, create a climate in which doctors underuse pain medications, she said.
Statistics show us that they underuse other BBC services.
With the team so close to a playoff berth, the Jets cannot afford to underuse a weapon like Mitchell just to suppress his ego.
But Professor Rodwin said, the new fee schedules "create an incentive to underuse services, and it's very hard to measure that."
Researchers have conducted numerous studies that suggest that the heavy marketing of the brand name drugs may be leading doctors to underuse diuretics.
People with type 2 diabetes often underuse their medications because of out-of-pocket costs, according to a study published in the journal Diabetes Care.
Primary-care doctors tend to underuse the specific treatments that allergists regard as the first line of attack against asthma, Dr. Kaliner said.
Yet, Dr. Wolfe said, even organic farmers underuse diversity, as they also have been indoctrinated in the simplicity of and seduced by the universality of monocultures.
"The biggest failure of the American health care system is not that we overuse stuff but that we underuse stuff," said David Cutler, an economist at Harvard.
Richard B. Victor, the institute's executive director, said people might underuse workers' compensation in good times - or, use it to replace lost wages and job benefits in hard times.
What you have to find out in a team is what are your strengths and how to use them effectively, and how not to overuse them and underuse them."
Lindwall returned to the team and would bowl for Australia throughout the 1950s, though Lindsay Hassett tended to underuse him in the series, the opposite of Bradman who overbowled him.
This study investigated whether a telephone counseling intervention aimed at women who are known to underuse breast cancer screening can, with or without an accompanying educational intervention for their physicians, increase use of breast cancer screening.
Michael Heller and Rebecca Eisenberg are academic law professors who believe that biological patents are creating a "tragedy of the anticommons," "in which people underuse scarce resources because too many owners can block each other."
The authors concluded that "[p]eople enrolled in CDHPs such as those we studied do not underuse preventive services to any greater degree than do those in traditional PPOs."
However, many parents suggested that PCSing EFMP families underuse both EFMP and SLs due to a lack of awareness of the PCS-related services these programs offer.
Once to underutilize that fine brain of yours.
"You don't want to underutilize a guy who is a good shooter, who's 6-9, who has long arms."
"With this disease, people underutilize the levels of service that a professional would anticipate they need," Mr. Kirk said.
The Court also noted that "illegal aliens underutilize public services, while contributing their labor to the local economy and tax money to the state fisc."
"In this country, we undertreat pain and we underutilize opioid painkillers.
In fact, she said, "people underutilize respite care," fearing that it may be unreliable or that "their relatives will think they're shirking."
I think you're missing Gruber's point - not that cross platform apps are bad, its that they underutilize the platform to its fullest potential.
Medical professionals tend to underutilize aggressive treatments for nicotine addiction that combine Zyban, nicotine patches and nicotine nasal sprays or inhalers.
The fact that we routinely underutilize these two-wheeled articles of exercise in no way discourages me from packing them, each and every trip (save for skiing Vermont in January).
Besides, these kinds of efficiency losses not only underutilize gear, but may end up lowering the operative life of the main components, especially the expansion valve and the gas compressor.
Allowing American Stevedoring, a private company operating on the piers today, to continue to underutilize the important space would mean ignoring a prime opportunity to create full-time, industrial maritime jobs.
As the United States tries to reduce its dependence on Mideastern oil, it would be a shame to underutilize what is becoming a splendid railroad because of a lack of parking.
"For managed care to work, you have to underutilize hospitals, so it's a Catch-22," Dr. Clarence Martin said of the prospects that had faced both the foundation and the physicians it employed.
Yet while it won't necessarily close a deal, brokers said, a rooftop terrace exerts an almost gravitational pull for buyers who can't afford private terraces or who never had the opportunity to underutilize a roof deck.
To the Editor: Dr. Steven A. Adelman (letter, Nov. 21) may be correct that "medical professionals underutilize aggressive treatments for nicotine addiction," but that does not explain why many doctors are unsuccessful in helping smokers quit.
Richard Nisbett has argued that some attributional biases like the fundamental attribution error are instances of the base rate fallacy: people underutilize "consensus information" (the "base rate") about how others behaved in similar situations and instead prefer simpler dispositional attributions.
Data has shown that those with access to Medicaid account for 58 percent of women who underutilize prenatal care; those with access to another type of insurance coverage account for 11 percent of women who underutilize prenatal care.
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