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It's Congress, whose wisdom and integrity never fail to underwhelm, that should stay away in shame.
"Even Whistler's renowned mother manages here to underwhelm", he complained.
Center, but the Tigers continue to underwhelm on the defensive end for a team that has that much length and athleticism.
That, however, may result, because of legal problems, in a weaker "fiscal union", underwhelm the markets, and fail to shore up the currency.
This approach of focusing on the positive usually breeds exhibitions that fall short of the mark because they underwhelm, or even bore.
On normal days, local newcasts underwhelm me.
The transaction between object and observer is idiosyncratic, and although this painting bewitched the author, it might underwhelm her readers.
Will StackOverflow's launch overwhelm our servers and underwhelm our audience?
Not all of reviews were positive, however, with The Independent saying that the film would "underwhelm even the Trekkies."
But the set (casual to a fault) and setlist (understocked with crowd favorites) combined to underwhelm.
I suspect unfortunately that HTML5 will underwhelm for a long time to come on both it's capabilities and performance.
By contrast, Slint is unafraid to underwhelm, and that was part of what made Thursday night's dry, deliberate concert interesting.
At Cannes, "The Hire" briefs seemed to underwhelm the crowd, perhaps because a letdown was inevitable after the excitement generated by the directors' names.
Facebook's inconspicuous headquarters may slightly underwhelm an excited visitor, of which there are many snapping away the office's small brown foyer, but for lots of people, the social network has become the internet.
One area of higher spending likely to underwhelm the recipients is $30 million for smoking prevention and cessation programs, to be set aside from an expected $471 million from the nationwide settlement of tobacco-industry litigation.
This year's use of quasi politicians as convention spokesmen represents an acknowledgment not only that politicians in general have worn out their welcome with the public but that the 1996 Presidential candidates tend to underwhelm many voters.
But at the same time that users could overwhelm the system, they could possibly underwhelm it as well, declining to buy into the D Block spectrum resource, depriving Frontline of millions of dollars in revenue.
Here, the only trace of Ms. McEnroe is Ms. McEnroe herself: bird-boned, milky-skinned and dressed to underwhelm in trim slacks, brown boots and a pale pink broadcloth shirt (a celebration of spring, she says sweetly, a theme she follows through to her eye shadow).
Teams who use league-average bridge players at that position tend to underwhelm in the end, which is why some teams have gambled and lost on quarterbacks just high enough in the food chain to tantalize, and just low enough on the reality scale to disappoint when the time comes to validate that elite-level contract.