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To some, it may seem undramatic next to the fireworks all around town.
The words no doubt were startling, coming from one so undramatic.
Only five people spoke on the bill, and the tally was an undramatic 49 to 40.
It also had its own, ironically undramatic, way of dealing with them.
"So much of jazz is far too undramatic," he said.
Officials here emphasized that the operation had been quiet and undramatic.
I'm afraid that faith in Them is usually quite undramatic."
I found myself falling back on exposition and undramatic narrative.
The book relates its dramatic stories in relatively undramatic fashion.
If the piece is too long or undramatic, children moan and groan.
When, the shot came, it was muffled and undramatic.
And however undramatic the videos are, they represent some kind of theatrical impulse.
Both sides are following well planned, if undramatic, strategies.
"It was very undramatic, like telling the story of a mailman.
Operate on a much more moderate and undramatic scale, but one equally effective.
All his movements were quite undramatic and without any sense, as Camilla noted, of style.
It requires continuous, patient, undramatic civilian work and close cooperation with other countries.
At the same time it resists the undramatic duty of providing cover for ground forces.
Backgrounds must be consistent in all aspects, even the mundane, undramatic ones.
When he switched on at the power point the explosion was surprisingly muffled and undramatic.
"I know few mortals who would feel that a visit to Hell was undramatic, captain."
The takeover itself is staged in such an undramatic manner that it seems almost beside the point.
Yet one detail reveals how slick and undramatic this "Titanic" is.
The undramatic origins of my particular badges, as it were, have been forgotten by everyone except myself.
"The pleasures of the place are simple and undramatic.