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Such people seem to him to be cold, unfeeling, almost dead.
At this time of all times I would not want her to think me unfeeling.
I must say it is very unfeeling of him to be running away from his poor little boy.
I did not think Charles would have been so unfeeling.
Was it unfeeling not to look in and ask if there were anything she wanted?
It's just as well, only it seems to me real unfeeling.
So a relationship of a kind developed between these two apparently unfeeling people.
I think, maybe, he comes across as a little too stiff and unfeeling.
It's the first time I ever heard such an unfeeling remark.
He looked at me, seeming no longer quite so cold and unfeeling.
Why should she trouble herself about one man caught up in the general unfeeling way of the world?
What an extraordinary, unfeeling thing for somebody to say when she had just lost her husband.
Paul had been quite wrong to call Michele cold and unfeeling.
Ask yourself which, of the two, are the unfeeling persons.
If he had caused her to think him unfeeling, then his hopes would come to nothing.
That's a quality to be much admired in an often unfeeling world.
But the unnatural blue of his eyes was not so cold and unfeeling.
"I fear that my unfeeling hands could not even close upon the hook!"
The voice from the box was bland, human and yet unfeeling.
But I'd rather have an alarm than an unfeeling neighbor.
Has a logical personality, to the point of being unfeeling.
The vital energy makes her lose control finally and becomes unfeeling.
And beyond us, even the cold unfeeling stars rain tears of light on the child.
All these men were unfeeling, dumb and nasty, very much like my face.