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But if these things are unfeminine it is no answer to say that they fit into each other.
And because math is hard work, a lot of them consider it unfeminine.
In striving to be heard, many women were labeled unfeminine.
"If it's not too bold and unfeminine of me, where are we going?"
These women were aggressive, militant, unfeminine and unlike those he had seen before.
For example, in many parts of the world, underarm hair is not considered unfeminine.
Small she may have appeared to him: unfeminine she was not.
In Italy, some people find it unfeminine for a woman to pour wine.
It was unfeminine and difficult to combine with marriage.
Sir Horace says it is quite shocking, and most unfeminine.
They had no thought for the unfeminine problems of the world outside the home; they wanted the men to make the major decisions.
They saw her as cold and unfeminine and wanted to see a more human, vulnerable side.
Your words are such as ought not to be used: violent, unfeminine, and untrue.
One large flaw, however, was the hard determined line of her mouth, unfeminine and bold.
There she took some very unconventional courses that were viewed as unfeminine in the culture.
Klondike had no use for unfeminine women who aped men.
Utterly unfeminine - no man could have invented it.
If you hadn't pushed him, he probably would never have even thought you were unfeminine.
The dress, clean but ragged now, struck her as decidedly unfeminine.
But I do believe, which is maybe an unfeminine view, that history shows that the weak always lose.
"Well, one might think it's just a bit unfeminine.
He began to laugh in her, a solid, unfeminine laugh.
Melody played a sour note that came out as an unfeminine snort.
Beside her, I felt clumsy an unfeminine in my uniform and heavy boots.
She understood at once with an unfeminine political acumen.