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It is a story of personal unfoldment and the search for wisdom.
This plays an unexpectedly important role in the unfoldment of subsequent events.
Christ unfoldment can be likened to the development of a flower.
In them we see an advance unfoldment of the economic and political history of the nations.
New Agers will welcome solitude as an opportunity for personal unfoldment.
One of the problems of dealing with unfoldment was the timing.
It teaches that all religions are in reality, the unfoldment of one spiritual truth.
He marveled at the unfoldment of this new understanding.
Is it necessary for us to lead the mind over the final step in the unfoldment of the interpretation by completing the analogue?
How much personal unfoldment can possibly take place while performing as a passive transmitter?
In the unfoldment of the great illusion of time the only choice is when we learn the curriculum.
However the unfoldment of Years 2 to 4 will be contingent on what is achieved in Year 1.
Mr. Lee focused on the changing understanding of several laws throughout this unfoldment process.
"Life is an unfoldment, and the further we travel the more truth we can comprehend.
His teachings are therefore of supreme importance to all aspirants to spiritual unfoldment.
Its teachings aid the unfoldment of the latent spiritual nature in the human being, without dependence or fear.
It then becomes a core factor within the unfoldment of Aura-Soma.
But from now on, it is an unfoldment guided by his own inner impulses, or what we may call the inherent powers in man.
Reincarnation provides the time, the opportunity and the external experience which contribute to the continuous spiritual unfoldment.
See your own possible heights of unfoldment, know all earthly futures of Soul.
Often the personality knows nothing of the purpose and impending unfoldment of the karma.
A lifetimes's commitment to the spiritual unfoldment of Humanity and the Planet.
It is an unfoldment in the sense that it is a movement from within outwards.
In order to awaken Shakti, the practice of "unfoldment of the middle" is prescribed.
She received a leading role in a minor melodrama (The Unfoldment), and then two supporting roles.