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Is there a risk of unfunded costs in the future?
So how exactly did you take unfunded credit risk without having to mark it?
We must plan for the unfunded needs of our highway system.
And very often the new mandate is an unfunded one.
Finally, you've got to say no to unfunded mandates coming out of Washington.
Much of Labour's increase in health spending went completely unfunded.
This helped to reduce the cost of production while the project was still unfunded.
As of today, the unfunded obligations total more than $2 million.
Of this, about $9.2 billion is in unfunded retirement benefits.
Just last week we learned how big this unfunded mandate would be.
He said that the current unfunded liability was about $500 million.
The remainder was unfunded as their costs were not significant.
Given these two mechanisms, both parts of the Plan are unfunded.
Nor has it addressed the issue of our unfunded students.
The project, largely unfunded, is estimated to cost $480 million.
I think they're going to see that as an unfunded Federal mandate.
Labour says yes, and seems to be planning unfunded tax cuts.
The answer is simple: When we get our unfunded tax cut, just save the extra money in the bank.
Usually, the party of government claims the opposition has plans to change economic policy in some unfunded way by about £35bn.
At an estimated cost of $66 million, it is currently unfunded.
The set aside for design change was also unfunded at time of award.
Due to the significant impact on the unfunded liability no increase is needed.
And it's also important, I believe, that states not have unfunded mandates.
In other words, your own unfunded liabilities are probably pretty high.
These companies will pay an additional $6 per employee for every $1,000 of unfunded benefits.