Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But that was for the ungentlemanly way in which you did so."
"That was an ungentlemanly thing to do, to say the least.
To begin with, your father has abused me in a most ungentlemanly manner."
His ungentlemanly behaviour does not surprise me in the slightest.
He was a gentleman writer in an ungentlemanly time.
He was obviously regretting his part in this ungentlemanly affair.
"You had placed your hand in a most ungentlemanly location during my tale.
Asked why his county was in better shape than Nassau, he simply said it would be "ungentlemanly" to list the reasons.
His abrupt, ungentlemanly breaking off of their engagement was a small scandal in itself.
Graham was hit time after time by the Cardinals' ungentlemanly defense.
"And I never realized you would stoop to the ungentlemanly practice of eavesdropping."
Also glad, when he didn't immediately apologize for any ungentlemanly actions.
Asked to state his profession (in itself an ungentlemanly question), he described himself as "author and explorer."
It would have been ungentlemanly not to respond.
Transcript of all conversation, which was taped as per ungentlemanly orders, attached.
Dean was dismissed from the service for ungentlemanly conduct.
"I wish to hear an apology, sir, for your ungentlemanly behaviour."
It is ungentlemanly to fire at an officer under a flag of truce."
And he and I will take personal pleasure in frustrating this man's ungentlemanly behavior.
"I find your ungentlemanly remarks offensive," she said in her chilliest tone.
I'd once agreed with Father that to enforce my will and thoughts upon others was not only ungentlemanly, but dishonorable.
There was an ungentlemanly thunder of running feet.
Terrible, ungentlemanly- to pick and choose who he wanted to survive, to have preferences or wishes like that.
Behaving in an "ungentlemanly manner" at school, Dylan comes into conflict with some colleagues of his.
Most football players have experienced some kind of untoward and ungentlemanly behavior, either on the receiving end or the giving.