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Instead they set these things out unguarded for any man to take.
They are not going to leave us unguarded, she thought.
"I should have known better than to leave it unguarded!"
Then he looked at me, and his eyes were clear, unguarded.
The space between the building and the house next to it was unguarded.
From the steps, he wanted to know why the outside door was unguarded.
He looked at her in unguarded surprise, like any boy.
There was no chance to break out, even if it had been unguarded.
It was unguarded, and he made a note of that.
But the central area, near the beach, was left unguarded.
How easy it is to catch us unguarded, she thought.
Heaven only knew what might have come out then when the mind was unguarded.
"But how many people knew the site would be unguarded during last night's storm?"
His back found a door, one unguarded by the monks.
You will not leave it unguarded, even for an instant.
For the first time in fifty years it is unguarded.
How could the others leave me like this, unguarded, in so much danger?
Unguarded talk was exactly what he needed to hear, and weigh.
He seemed like a different person here than the one in the clubhouse, almost unguarded.
But for that, I would have appeared alone, unguarded, in the middle of the fight.
They arrived late at night and found the border unguarded.
And how did it happen that the gold was there, unguarded?
The only human explanation was that one of us had said something in an unguarded moment.
As I understand it, it's completely unguarded at the moment.
It was an unguarded thought, breaking through onto his face.