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Why was she engaged in this unhopeful cause?
Books she sought in every accessible, and found occasionally in an unhopeful quarter.
Its songs are often tales of unsuccessful or twisted romance, unhopeful but not willing to give up.
"My fingers are crossed," Frank said, but as he took off his windbreaker he looked unhopeful.
I was unhopeful; Loman's estimation of the odds seemed about right.
"Yet however you read it, it seems not unhopeful," said Legolas.
Began with 27 average point and minor growth in the following, praised the cast and producer an unhopeful high rating already.
His mother sometimes sounded like the Talvi parents, so harsh, so unhopeful.
But the officials of the spaceport and the government developed a dogged, unhopeful, resolute point of view.
That doesn't mean she's unhopeful.
So he went certain, unhurried, and unhopeful on the way he must go, and the wind of winter bore him to the south.
It was the second time I had been locked in the dark with uncomplaining, unhopeful people of Orgoreyn.
Unexpectant, unhopeful, and, frankly, bored by it all, he keyed it on.
It was in these difficult but not unhopeful circumstances that the two leaders met again, at a reputedly haunted house in Reykjavik on 11-12 October 1986.
"Just as changing opinion resulted in planning permission, we're not unhopeful that opinion will also swing the lottery institutions," Mr. Borg said.
Saving Sisko the trouble, Julian Bashir offered a sour, unhopeful, utterly grim statement.
It creaked and streaked along at the pace of a pair of small oxen that looked as old, wrinkled, and unhopeful as tortoises.
Remember when Howard Stern launched a campaign last year to support the American Idol unhopeful Sanjaya Malkar?
"So I'm not at all unhopeful that if - as the Russians would say - the constellation of forces is right, that Rumania could move toward democracy and toward something like a market economy."
But Barganax and the Duchess completely understand the King's settled policy of admitting even the most unhopeful and dangerous of mankind to probation, and deeply delight both in his policy and in him.
But not to despair: under the inland ice, the frozen wasteland of glacier Polly inspects on a trip to Greenland with her dying husband, buried lights and colors glint and dazzle - an ambiguous, not unhopeful objective correlative for married life.