Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This would add six million units of electricity on a daily basis.
In addition, there would be about 20 times less waste per unit of electricity produced.
It has the potential to produce 3.5 million units of electricity a year, enough to power over a thousand homes.
A unit of electricity (volt) is named in his honor.
Glad to know you had a good visit to - but am amazed you only used ten units of electricity.
I say this as and one or two others were there for only about 28 hours recently and used sixty units of electricity.!
The CGS units of electricity were cumbersome to work with.
Both reactors at Hartlepool nuclear power station have remained in continuous service over the last two weeks, generating more than 379 million units of electricity.
This was roughly equivalent to an investment of 1.25 pence for every unit of electricity ever generated by nuclear power in Britain.
The expected production of 3.6 million units of electricity annually would create much-needed income for the maintenance of the estate.
Base load plants have the lowest costs per unit of electricity because they are designed for maximum efficiency and are operated continuously at high output.
Certified renewable energy generators earn certificates for every unit of electricity they produce and can sell these along with their electricity to supply companies.
A power plant run on coal emits more greenhouse gases per unit of electricity than a power plant that uses natural gas.
Each unit of electricity costs four times as much as it would back in the US, which gives the navy even more incentive to save on energy.
Many of the studies also made no mention of avian deaths per unit of electricity produced, which excluded meaningful comparisons between different energy sources.
Under this approach, referred to as a generation performance standard (GPS), generators are given allowances for each unit of electricity they generate.
While most of the consumers, who are having prepaid metering unit, continue to pay Flat @1.30 N$ per unit of electricity.
E.ON expected the supercritical units to reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit of electricity by around 20%, as compared to the existing subcritical plant.
As Table 2 shows, each unit of electricity consumed releases several times as much CO2 as an equivalent energy output from fossil fuels.
His brother was the physicist George Johnstone Stoney known for coining the term electron for the fundamental unit of electricity.
But these D.C. motors produce less horsepower than A.C. motors for each unit of electricity, and they wear out faster.
A COP of 3 means the heat pump produces 3 units of heat energy for every 1 unit of electricity it consumes.
In most electric power systems, some or all consumers pay a fixed price per unit of electricity independent of the cost of production at the time of consumption.
Load following power plants, also called intermediate power plants, are in between these extremes in terms of capacity factor, efficiency and cost per unit of electricity.
With the magnitude of the primary units of electricity thus determined by the kilogram, so too follow many others; namely, the coulomb, volt, tesla, and weber.