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The resolution of problem behaviour must lie in the successful unlearning of such behaviours.
One of his earliest exhibitions, "Unlearning," sought precisely to turn the prevailing construct upside down.
A commitment to promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, and the "unlearning" of intolerance, through education.
The heart of action learning is asking wicked questions to promote the unlearning or letting go of taken-for-granted assumptions and beliefs.
Their first album, School of Unlearning, was released through Bandcamp in October 2011.
If Dr. Molliver is right, we might be seeing with ibogaine an unlearning of the addiction process."
Mastership equals learning- equals constant unlearning!
Behaviorally-centered therapeutic approaches appeared as early as 1924 with Mary Cover Jones' work on the unlearning of fears in children.
It's the unlearning."
It is hypothesized that a Reverse learning mechanism occurs while dreaming that facilitate the unlearning of unfavorable pathways to the organism.
He accomplished the unlearning by gradually and systematically exposing the cats to those fear-inducing stimuli, while at the same time giving the cats their food rations.
"Awareness is about UNLEARNING.
In a way it was the unlearning of these traditional forms and procedures that pushed the young silversmith into bold experiments and motivated the innovations that distinguished his career.
Ms. Bird said part of the adjustment to her television job was working on "unlearning the poker face" she used on the bench for so many years while listening to legal arguments.
He took part in the U. N. Symposium in New York on 'The Role of Literature in Unlearning Intolerance'in the same year.
April 1997 saw the release of Progression Through Unlearning, which they recorded with Steve Evetts, an album which is considered to be revolutionary by many fans of hardcore.
You do feel pretty cool, in a Peter Parker sort of "I'm a photographer" way, but if you're used to consumer digital cameras, hauling these 1.5-pound contraptions up to your eye for each shot takes some unlearning.
The stories found in the book are included with the purpose of providing an effective learning source for project management, encouraging the unlearning of outdated project management concepts, and enhancing awareness of the contexts surrounding different projects.
According to Kim, as new learning occurs, deculturation or unlearning of some of the old cultural elements has to occur, at least in the sense that new responses are adopted in situations that previously would have evoked old ones.
Prabhavananda explains that control of thought waves advocated by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras means the unlearning of the false identification of the thought-waves with the ego-sense which process involves a complete transformation of character.
The phenomenon of retroactive interference is highly significant in the study of memory as it has sparked a historical and ongoing debate in regards to whether the process of forgetting is due to the interference of other competing stimuli, or rather the unlearning of the forgotten material.