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She was unmaking all her day's work, making love with him as if they'd never been together before.
We have the power to make or unmake a planet.
If I could only leave off, let go, unmake myself, it would be there.
But small changes like these do not unmake an accent.
They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you.
God when he makes the prophet does not unmake the man.
The decision had been made and there was barely time to unmake it.
He died of a broken heart and has returned to unmake the world.
Eight eyes that had, even in death, the power to unmake the Weave.
It was therefore in their power to make or unmake a citizen.
To make myself whole again, so I can unmake my brother."
To unmake what we made, then remake it all over again.
We have succeeded in unmaking the species before it well appeared.
And his power has grown too great for me to unmake him now."
People in love can make and unmake each other.
Making and unmaking are part of the same process.
The two of them are destroying each other and unmaking their own achievements.
With ease, he could unmake the fabric of reality all about him.
Water is the force that makes and unmakes things.
It is easy to just unmake something, especially something large.
There was no question, then, of unmaking the child.
But deeper than all those opposites was making and unmaking.
I guess we'll see now if our Masters have at long last found a way to unmake their creations.
Clothes make the man, their lack unmakes the woman.
In essence - if they are allowed to enter that church, they'll unmake the world.