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I guess I'm just fundamentally unmoral myself, he thought, and began reading the news clips.
In her ferocious and deadly unmoral little soul there was a love of violence.
Most unmoral when it came to subjugating other people.
'The life we lead is an unmoral one.
Like the hosts of more learned thinkers before her, she concluded that the universe was unmoral and without concern for men.
He was totally unmoral and lovable; I would have liked to give him bread, sugar, carrots.
Was, then, woman the utterly unmoral creature as depicted by the German pessimists?
He was not immoral, but merely unmoral.
She would not mind that the universe was unmoral, that there was no God, no immortality.
They criticized the movie industry as being "infested with Jews" and its products "containg obscene, unmoral content".
Contemporary beach fashions showed very little flesh, but they were still considered quite daring by most people, and flagrantly unmoral by a few.
Abortion is normally mandatory for unmarried females and of course is a clear sign of their 'unmoral' behaviour.
He moves on to criticize the very notion of free will as construct that authorizes Christianity to proscribe certain "unmoral" actions.
In Gandhi's own words, "civil disobedience is civil breach of unmoral statutory enactments."
An unconscious hedonist, utterly unmoral and materialistic, he sought the greatest possible happiness for himself, and found it in drink.
From hearsay, a very courageous, somewhat unmoral young lady who did not take to the life in New England nor the strict ways of the elders.
Similarly, Edgerton noted that "The so-called 'morals' of the stories have no bearing on morality; they are unmoral, and often immoral.
Two members of the band CPG were found guilty and sent to prison for two years for allegedly unmoral lyrics.
The Napap and the other Vice Societies doing such magnificent work in censoring unmoral novels and paintings and motion pictures and plays.
Bart spoke with some derision about a rustic philosopher of Massachusetts, a chap named Thoreau, who had actually refused to pay a poll tax to protest the "unmoral" war.
Like all criminal organizations in the past, they provided services that people were convinced should be illegal or were unmoral or some such, but that masses of people wanted anyway.
"Daffyd, that was highly unmoral, unethical and downright dirty," said Sally, half scolding as she rose from the couch where she'd been sitting out of line-of-vision of the comset.
Shakespeare's plays have continued to be admired over a long period because "they corresponded to the irreligious and unmoral frame of mind of the upper classes of his time and ours".
If the sensation of eating a cake is a value, why is it an unmoral indulgence in your stomach, but a moral goal for you to achieve in the stomach of others?