Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
An unnerved Brown looked around for a minute, unsure of what to do.
It so unnerved investors that they began to pay more attention to credit risk.
I thought Ricky and the others must be pretty unnerved even to imagine it.
Which says nothing, really, but seems to unnerved people.
"But when the dollar didn't fall at all on Monday, that unnerved people."
Some tourists, mainly young English guys, in a foreign country for the first time, are feeling unnerved and want to show off.
I think they can become unnerved, like most human beings."
The unnerved captain gestured him to follow up the street.
Manti was very unnerved by that, as you might imagine.
Nothing can be this deep," he sang in an unnerved whisper. "
"I remember feeling quite unnerved, I just wanted to say my piece and get out of there," she said.
Perhaps there was art to it; nevertheless this unnerved Dor.
She appears as unnerved as any owner might be by the events of this season.
But, "It's hard to find the right tone to talk about this," he said, sounding quite unnerved.
The question was clear on the expressions of all the unnerved drow standing beside him.
His unnerved hand could not take the dagger which the sorcerer presented to him.
"Guess we're friends," the unnerved dwarf admitted, and he slowly rose.
When he heard the voice again, much louder, he became unnerved and began to scream.
Tom let out a long and unnerved breath.
Then he went below and whispered to his unnerved wife, "My dearest companion, you would not believe what has happened."
Charlotte was expected to touch the very flesh that so unnerved Alicen.
And I got very unnerved when it wanted me to log in with my Microsoft account.
Sasha glanced at her brother, and he seemed just as unnerved as she was.
I was not too much shocked when the unnerved Babu requested whisky!