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If no one knows why, then it would seem that we have a lot of unobservant people.
"I trust he will remain as unobservant in the future."
Sometimes these humans were not very bright, besides being unobservant.
These were the dullest and most unobservant people I had ever met.
"The point, my unobservant friend, is that for the past year, I've been a fool."
But then, for someone who trades in tricks of the eye, she can be pretty unobservant.
Young and inexperienced Grey might be, but he was not unobservant.
No one would notice anyway, most people are so unobservant."
But why was Enrique so unobservant at the tactical station?
He was about the most unobservant agent ever to have been given an operation, he thought.
Thomas hadn't succeeded as an intelligence officer by being unobservant.
Sometimes you're unobservant, that's all,' she said, 'especially about your children.
Any impression of hostility to such art on my part would make me either hypocritical or quite unobservant.
A mercenary mage, in this war only for the pay, would have to be unobservant.
Your mothers aren't as unobservant as you want to believe.
In my youth, had I simply been unobservant?
I wondered how I could have been so unobservant as to overlook this.
Men, thought Patience, however clever, could be extremely unobservant.
Looking back, it was evident that some great principle of nature was at work, but people are unobservant.
In the midst of my tears, I was not unobservant of his motions.
Many Jews who are otherwise unobservant follow this custom.
He hates those who have valor merely, and are unobservant of propriety.
Naturally, no intimation13 is made here that the scholars of past ages have been unobservant.
The atmosphere at home was liberal, religiously unobservant, pluralistic and somber.
The overwhelming tendency in unobservant industrial society, however, is to ignore small problems until they become enormous- and then panic.