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The unreflective response to these questions is "all of the above."
Even so, the student can respond in a relatively unthinking or unreflective way.
This spontaneous, unreflective period represented the infancy of the human race.
The door finally opened and gave a view of an empty corridor that was painted a flat, unreflective blue.
The brothers themselves, whether out of modesty or an unreflective nature, seemed at a loss for an explanation.
I doubt that it was totally unconscious, the work of unreflective genius.
Except they were a flat unreflective black and seemingly nonmetallic.
For a memoir, this is a remarkably unreflective book.
At bottom, one might see the purely unreflective lifestyle.
Religious faith has become largely the province of the unreflective and the anti-rational.
His skin was pale, so unreflective of the boisterous spirit that struggled for life.
The champion was self-destructive, abusive to those around him and stubbornly unreflective.
The remark shows just how much "intolerance and unreflective prejudice" persist in American society, he said.
His clothes were the same unreflective black, so that only his hands and head loomed out of the shadows.
These visions seem fit compensation for the unreflective solitude of the protagonist's existence.
Unreflective experience is immediate; and it provides sensation.
"Unfortunately, that type of response gives people the idea that the Catholic Church is unreflective."
They carry their eyes fixed in their skulls, immobile, unreflective.
By an unreflective, instinctive, mechanical impulse the lieutenant cried, "Fire!"
Geoengineering is the last chance saloon of the unreflective science fiction fantasists.
Before long, though, he is back to his old unreflective self, proving that the unexamined life is well worth living.
It is also, for Davis-Goff, an oddly unreflective internalization of the class system.
However, his discussion of issues like G.M. foods is often so quick and unreflective as to be nearly useless.
A single black and unreflective eye, set deep within the side of its almost iguanalike skull, seemed to regard the camera with dark malevolence.
"He wasn't shallow or unreflective, quite the contrary.