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Trying to shred the cloth of his flesh so he could unstitch the hideous needle.
If I were willing to unstitch the past I'd be attempting the impossible.'
To unpick and unstitch is a very, very laborious exercise on blue sandwashed silk.
Tonight, workers were going to unstitch some of the cutouts, trim the edges of the padding and the turf on the corners, and restitch them so that the cutouts no longer bubbled at the edges, as some did today.
His hostility toward the well-made poem was part of a larger trend, espoused as well by poets he loathed, like Robert Lowell and Allen Ginsberg, to unstitch the golden nets of verse and let Real Life flood back in.
Because she could not afford to purchase both dolls,and because she really preferred the "beautiful girl doll", she asked the toyshop owner if he would be willing to unstitch the hands so that she could buy "the beautiful girl doll".