Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The sun was not so true unto the day As he to me.
Then all was given unto the dominion of Man throughout the universe.
We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men.
But I shall be crucified unto the end of my years.
"I received a witness that you are indeed special unto the Lord," she said.
"I have made the light, given unto the stars.
Then they returned unto the land and rode forth.
If a move is performed unto the concrete floor, it causes extra damage.
Let that be left unto the Anabaptists, and other furies.
Behold, he has showed unto you a sign; and now will ye dispute more?
"May your flesh be bound unto the sweetness of desire," he said.
The movie ends with a blackout after they go out unto the sky to the mortal world.
I'll make sure the writing's changed ere the bailiff comes unto the victim.
"Is it your will to be dedicated unto the service of Naamah?"
It was given unto the mal till the end of time.
"Are you now prepared to be consecrated unto the act you have undertaken?"
Go out unto the roses, the bees, and the flocks of doves!
Therefore be married unto the truth and live with the truth in holy wedlock.
The appearance of the Prophet was also proposed unto the Mahdi.
Also, in some countries, a variation exists where instead of kisses, after the handshake the palm is placed unto the heart.
"The land belongs unto the people! "
Authority is also given unto the justices.
They can cause damage to human skin and even cause temporary blindness if sprayed unto the eyes.
They knew it when the pebbles were being made and before the isles of coral were given unto the sea.
He and his would be utterly dissolved and scattered unto the four winds of the heavens.