Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
About 2,600 more people have been reported dead by family members or untrained local officials.
Some are local untrained workers whose training the groups provided.
To an untrained person that could make a very big difference.
But there was nothing to be seen, not to his untrained eye.
But there was something wrong with them, even to his untrained eye.
"The few untrained people who left have little chance to get as good a job there."
He needed a better analysis than his own untrained eye.
To the untrained eye, it will probably look a lot like the old one.
It is difficult for an untrained person to keep track of them all.
To the untrained eye, 1968 would seem as if it was the best year of his career.
There was strength in the man for certain, untrained though it might be.
Only an untrained guide was on hand to try to stop the attack.
Studies suggest its benefits may be greater for the untrained.
To an untrained eye, it looked like almost any of the woods about the town.
The sergeant had been right about how untrained for this she was.
This little one might well have all her mother's talent, though it was still untrained.
An untrained eye might not spot all of the language differences.
One untrained, the other the only link to new material.
"At least not so that an untrained man can understand them.
As an untrained teacher, I made my share of mistakes this year.
Like her, they were untrained in the high arts on which this wonder must be based.
They never seem to resemble one another, especially to the untrained eye.
They try to find people who have potential but are untrained."
To the untrained eye, it might even look like they're smiling at each other.
Even a young woman untrained in magic might understand what remained, but she had not seen.