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The disease was untreatable by the time she came to us.
Some untreatable conditions naturally resolve on their own; others do not.
He looked like a man undergoing a rare and untreatable fit.
They are generally considered to be not only incurable but also untreatable.
As many of the causes are unknown or untreatable, prevention is difficult.
There it was discovered that he had skin cancer which appeared to be untreatable.
The strain, which leaves patients virtually untreatable, is now found throughout the country.
Such decisions often need to be made quickly so a condition does not deteriorate or become untreatable.
About one in five with genetic syndromes remain untreatable, he said.
The cause of death was meningitis, at that time a virtually untreatable disease.
It's the best time ever to be a doctor because you can heal and treat conditions that were untreatable even a couple of years ago.
The illness was untreatable and irreversible; it would be downhill from now on.
More experimental drugs for untreatable conditions should be in this category, the advocates say.
He died on March 19, 1898 from untreatable inflammatory rheumatism.
The disease is untreatable and fatal, but people who test positive may live for decades - with a death warrant in hand.
They are in essence a self-selected group of untreatable offenders.
As for the asymmetry of her calves, that would be untreatable and permanent.
There is no reason why anyone should assume that disease in old age is untreatable, although we often do.
But the program's results defy the assessment that crack addicts are untreatable.
And finally, the court said the Act is not considered punitive if it fails to offer treatment for an untreatable condition.
These dormant cancer cells are often untreatable due to drug resistance.
In addition, most people who did attain old age were likely to die quickly from the above-mentioned untreatable health problems.
Twenty-five years ago, treading water in that black sea of untreatable illness, we had only one answer to give.
"Disease: progressive, untreatable, incurable," were the words in the book.
Hopkins was diagnosed with untreatable cancer in 1995 at age 69 and was given a year to live.