Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Their unusualness also means that there is no longer any need for a master file.
I said, smiling into the unusualness of his straightforward look.
Despite the unusualness of the situation, all goes well.
We were certainly intrigued, you know, just in its unusualness."
The unusualness of my actions and appearance puzzled them.
This criterion of unusualness is in fact a criterion having to.
In part, the reaction was due to the unusualness of the warning: never before had there been a so-called code orange.
This is an extremely unusual novel, even by Carey's lofty standards of unusualness.
"Your unusualness is an embarrassment to the company.
There was something unusual about her and it was an unusualness that Stephanie found very attractive.
It was necessary that we alter and tilt things a bit to remove that unusualness.
Like other peculiar named place Bumpass has gathered a moderate reputation for unusualness.
"Well, Belford honey, the unusualness is not over yet.
The unusualness of it faded from Gosseyn's mind as he saw that others of the large group present were looking at him.
Somehow, considering the events of the past few minutes, the unusualness of her appearance on the bridge seemed to fit right in.
He might, however, have assumed the unusual pen name for the very sake of its unusualness.)
"It's just the unusualness of the situation.
At times his improvisations brought together melancholia with joy, creating a complex emotional state startling in its unusualness.
The unusualness of Mann's subject matter - and the symbolic undertones set loose by its distinctiveness - are lost on us.
I picked it up" - Salisbury suddenly began to realize the unusualness of his story - "because I thought some one must be here.
But Tom Haggin knew its unusualness.
"I really couldn't say..." "Considering the importance of the case and the unusualness of its nature, who is going to be put in charge?"
The procedure went quite slowly due to bureaucratic confusion over the unusualness of his situation; most applicants for naturalisation were the spouses of citizens.
His cheek against hers, the baffling unusualness of the day overwhelming him with the delicious conviction of complete happiness, suddenly he froze.
The elastic nature of the clasp-garter is self-demonstration of the unusualness of the abbreviation.