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How many does it take to upheave a world?
Only a shock of cataclysmic proportions would be enough to upheave all those cerebral tiers at once!
When the experiment began the dog continued to "upheave its abdomen" and tremble, they said, movements they regarded as "violent and purposeful."
Gingrich Aims To Upheave GOP Race In South Carolina
How cheap even the liberty then seems; how mean to study, when an emotion communicates to the intellect the power to sap and upheave nature: how great the perspective!
Therefore a time would come when the elastic and explosive forces of the imprisoned gases would upheave this ponderous cover and drive out for themselves openings through tall chimneys.
In the thought of to-morrow there is a power to upheave all thy creed, all the creeds, all the literatures, of the nations, and marshal thee to a heaven which no epic dream has yet depicted.
Naturally my after-dinner cappuccino was covered with those ubiquitous chocolate sprinkles, but there's not much I can do about that; after all, if I start complaining at this point I might upheave the entire British empire.
Humanity's tiles improved the next game, which Matt and Joel won with help from three bingos (UPHEAVE, STEWPAN and MISEATEN).
In order to join together in advocacy in this time of social upheave in our country in relation to the plight of Asylum Seekers, we are committed to search for answers in relation to how we can support and show Mercy at this time.